Friday, April 23, 2010

Throwing things away

Its no secret if you know me that I love to get rid of things-- I am not a stuff person. Lots of stuff overwhelms me and makes me feel like-- phew-- you just cant breathe. On vacation this week, my son saw a soccer commercial and noticed that my husband has a shirt for one of the teams. He was so excited and ran to tell his daddy and then had to add... "Mommy just threw it away!" Awww, so busted. It had been at the bottom of my husbands shirt drawer and was feeling a little wrinkly, so I, um, did in fact toss it away. Today I cleaned out the fridge and tossed some more things. Then I cleaned out under all of the beds which because of our tiny house, we use for storage and threw more things away. I even tried to talk my husband into throwing away a duffel bag from my mom that she gave him his first Christmas in the "family" and he was horrified and went on and on about the sentimental value-- all I saw was a dusty old bag past its time taking up space for, I don't know, just space. Throwing things away is an adrenaline rush-- I feel empowered and on top of things-- which I am not. My daughter and husband like to stash things away and go behind me and pull things out and leave in the wrong space-- ahhh! But, dont worry, I think the longer I am a mom and wife, the more I learn to compromise. However; bottom line, since Mommy cleans the house, Mommy gets the final say... I just need to throw some things away without the kids help :)


  1. I can totally relate. Too much stuff makes me feel clausterphobic! However, since we moved to a bigger house, we have tons of storage space. And I don't feel the pinch of accumulating stuff as much. I wish I did...

  2. I can totally relate. Too much stuff makes me feel clausterphobic! However, since we moved to a bigger house, we have tons of storage space. And I don't feel the pinch of accumulating stuff as much. I wish I did...

  3. we only got the bag for Matt cause he didn't have a bag when he used to come and visit~now boy friend overnights are off limits!! so he can toss that bag cause now you have luggage~
