Friday, February 22, 2013

Homemade Walnut Peanut Butter

We began making our own peanut butter because I ran out and didnt feel like taking 3 kids inthe cold to the store. And oh yeah, I need it every morning for breakfast and the boys need it because peanut butter and jelly sandwiches could very well be their own food group in their minds. Our second batch got a little fancier... we added about a 1/2 a cup of walnuts. Extra yumminess, and so, here is our homemade PB and Walnut recipe. First the gang gets in on the action and peels pre-roasted peanuts. This is the best part, and well honestly, the only actual work that goes into making this peanut butter. We had a whole bag from aldis and then about a quarter of a can of peanuts and we added them in and the pre-roasted walnuts. You can play with the ratio as much as you like-- Just fill up the food processor with as many peanuts as you can. We were quite happy to fill ours up with maybe 2-3 cups of nuts that day. Now we add in 2-3 tbs of coconut oil. I dont even melt it-- just add in the scoops. Obviously if you're using a greater amount of nuts, adjust your oil and same for less nuts. You can always add more, of either, but it really is pretty simple. And then, we put it in a jar with a lid and store it in our cabinet afetr we process the whole batch. Again, the most work you'll actually do is peeling the peanuts and pushing a button. Thats it. Now, we actually love the taste so much I dont think we can go back... and so we have started making more and more.... Enjoy!

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