Wednesday, March 27, 2013
The Waiting Game
One of the verses that keeps going through my head this week is just a snippet, but so encouraging, "peace that passes understanding." I've just been thinking about it and praying for it over and over. To back up a bit, for just about two weeks I was feeling so good. I came off some insulin, avoided an extra shot, and really, I just felt good. Hardly any contractions and some extra energy and I actually began to think that we might go pass 36 weeks this time and we're somehow blessed to go back to "normal". Then over is weekend, I woke up and felt funny. My sugars were hypoglycemic low and I was shaking really bad. Then that day after getting my blood sugar under control, I began contracting again and puffing up. When I went on Tuesday for a doctors appt instead of getting a really good report like last time, it was the complete opposite. My BP had gotten worse than previous visits, I had packed on a lot of water, my face looks puffy, headaches, nauseausness.... Basically I have every symptom of preeclampsia now but protein in my urine. So we are at the point where it is too soon for them to take the baby and he is still protected in his little cocoon and doing amazingly well, so we will just continue to be monitored until the moment when it gets out of control. It's a fine line and it means extra time at the hospital for observance so they can monitor me. but we are so thankful for the diabetes for once because it keeps me off bed rest and I just get lots of extra rest. So I am still allowed to be out and about and take walks, just on a more relaxed and scaled back level. That's very nice. So we'll take several hours at the doctors and hospital each week over bed rest any day! But, we do appreciate prayers as we await either this little guys arrival or for things to get worse or for both to happen at the same time. We have been given such a peace as we wait along with the doctors for the moment when we need to deliver or have to deliver and are just trusting God that He understands the timing so much better than we do. And in the meantime, I will continue to drink our house dry, enjoy he last few days of our homeschool year, the warm spring sunshine that seems to finally be arriving, and those precious baby movements that remind me how worth it this all is!
Praying for you Becky. I am sure it's very hard to be so uncomfortable and struggling with all that you have going on, but I am praying you can make it just a few more weeks to bake that little guy some more.
ReplyDeleteHugs mama. I love your positive attitude.