This summer my little man will turn--- FIVE!! A whole hand! Halfway to double digits! Ahhhh! Its crazy and the thing is, he keeps happily counting down the days eagerly planning his pirate themed birthday party while, I, the mommy, just wanna pull him up on my lap and hold him a little tighter so that maybe I can keep him four a little longer... not possible, but hey, while I can dream big dreams for him I can also dream to keep him my little boy forever and ever!
He is my miracle boy. The baby we gained after the first was lost. The baby that proved doctors and the medical world just a little wrong by showing that God can do big things even when radiation had done some yucky things to my body. I will never forget the day he was born-- does any mom forget the day she welcomed a little angel from heaven into this world? My husband and I went in for a routine checkup and after my blood pressure kept going higher and higher, I was sent over to the hospital. And just when the staff there got my blood pressure under control, I went into labor. And then I had a c-section and then when I held him for the first time he was so soft. His little cheeks were perfect. He had that perfect newborn hospital smell. And he stopped crying and snuggled in close to me. And it wad pure love. Sure these days he knows how to push my buttons, but he still gives some amazing hugs and is a little charmer through and through. And when he tells me I am his favorite cook ever, its the highest praise. And when he tells me nobody makes funnier voices then mommy when I read, its like winning an acting award from the top. And when he tells me at the end of the day that he needs one more hug and kiss to go to bed, it's my pleasure. He is a one and only and I am so glad he is here with us.