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Thursday, August 26, 2010

First year of "school"

So..... phew, this is the first official year of me not sending the kids to school. I keep wondering if I'll even notice the first day of school for our neighbors and feel like a big, hmmmmm... bucker of the system? Not sure... but we do have 14 days of school done ahead of our public school neighbors and it is a big part of our routine so that after breakfast the kids will start pulling school books off the shelves and getting cozy on the couch. I love doing school on the couch-- we all pile on and snuggle close and then dive in; of course, we do go to the dining room table to practice writing and math. Once our official school time is done, we still keep doing learning things throughout the day and it blends in so nicely that the kids can find so much joy and freedom in learning-- it's so beautiful. I always thought I would be so structured doing this, but as I begin, I love the flexibility and the never knowing what all we may learn or do-- we just GO!

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